Top 5 Chatbot Development Platforms to create a Smart Chatbot

By James Tredwell on October 18, 2019

The advent of Chatbots progressively helps humans to overcome various challenges. The popularity of Chatbots is due to a wide range of customer assistance services. Different size of businesses is adding this tech edge to streamline the complex process of human conversation. The use of artificial intelligence is helping the user to experience the future. The ability of Chatbots to converse in natural language helps the businesses to stay ahead. Chatbots have evolved a new world of automation, helping the human for better business.

Businesses all around the world are utilizing the Chatbots for better setups with the clients and users. It opened big opportunities for businesses to shoe their availability 24/7. Chatbots development can be done with the help of different platforms. There are ample of different platforms in the market. And is very important for the Chatbot development, developer to choose the right one. Here is the list of the chatbot development platforms to understand which suites you best.


Chatfuel is a completely free Chatbot development platform best for those who don’t have the coding experience or skills. Chatfuel is a bot builder for Facebook Messenger helpful to create their own chatbot. Chatfuel is featured with attributes like adding content cards. Chatfuel offers the free version of the platform that gives you access to almost every feature for up to 5,000 subscribers. Apart from that, you will also be able to gather insights within the chats. The paid versions start from $15/month with some extra data management features.


Botsify is a machine learning chatbot development platform launched in 2016. Get started with Botsify for free or sign up to a paid plan from $10/month. It is a simple bot builder that helps you create bots for your website or Facebook Messenger easily. Botsify offers features of easy drag and drop interface. Apart from that it also has integrations with WordPress, Shopify, Alexa, and Zapier. The best thing about Botsify that allows human staff to take over the conversation.

IBM Watson Conversation:

IBM Watson Conversation is considered as one of the most reliable chatbot builders among all. It offers the feature of graphical UI that allows users to create a simple chatbot as per your custom specifications. It provides developers with a range of SDK’s to extend the chatbot features as required. IBM Watson Conversation offers the developers the preference of the natural language which can help them connect with the audience with more tractability. This chatbot platform offers a platform enabling developers as well as non-technical users to team up on building conversational AI solutions.

Flow XO

Flow XO is a UK-based company offering a complete solution for building Chatbots. It allows the developer to build chatbot widgets for the website or integrate them with third-party platforms. The developers can also share bot with others. Hosting them and deploying them across platforms, which means you’re not only limited to Facebook Messenger. Apart from that, it provides a visual platform that allows to easily build your own chatbot for the website, Facebook, SMS, Telegram, and Slack. The flow XO interface is incredibly easy to use.

Microsoft BOT Framework

Microsoft BOT Framework offer components that play a huge role in the development of the chatbot development: Node.js and .NET. This chatbot platform is composed of two big elements in the form of bot builder SDK and Microsoft language intelligent service. It helps developers create intelligent bots that can engage users across multiple platforms. Apart from that, there are more than 30 languages that can be infused in the chatbot with the help of a Microsoft BOT framework. It offers a cloud-based service that can be accessed across 141 countries.

Bottom line

These days the businesses have their website with the infusion of chatbots as it allows them to present their products and services in an even better way. Chatbots is a way ahead step for the businesses to connect their users with an even bigger set of attributes. The trend of chatbot changed the overall outlook of the business in various verticals. If you are looking for a reliable chatbot developer service provider Quytech is here to get your website built with an infusion of a chatbot. We are here for you to connect with potential clients and users, which can help you with higher returns.

Author Bio:

Colleen Jansen is a Business marketing expert at Quytech, a well-known Custom Mobile app Development Company providing Android, iOS and AI development services across the globe.

How Emerging AI Technologies Impact Our Daily Life Routines?

By James Tredwell on October 14, 2019

Artificial intelligence is influencing our lives in all the areas where we use technology. While it is difficult to understand the exact potential and impact of Artificial intelligence (AI), it is already making our lives easy in many ways. From searching the web to using smartphone apps and automatic cars, AI is making our lives more comfortable than ever.

Our homes, businesses, and schools could be entirely different in the future with Artificial intelligence on the scene. Artificial intelligence makes use of hardware as well as software that learns from our habits and daily actions. Let us learn more about how AI technologies are impacting our daily life routine.

AI helps in home management

Artificial intelligence will enable the automatic functions in our homes. Combined with our home appliances, it could make our housework and home management a lot easier than the present. People will be able to use AI enables apps to communicate with their refrigerator, microwave, washing machine, and other appliances.

The cleaning appliances, like robotic cleaners, would also make use of AI technologies to clean our house without the need for our interference. Robotic cleaners would wipe the floor and other spaces as soon as they become dirty due to any reason.

Social Media and Video Streaming

When we use social media on computers or smartphones, the newsfeed that we see are a result of Artificial intelligence in social media apps. Even the notifications we receive on our smartphones are in accordance with our activities that AI notices in these apps.

The video streaming services like Youtube and Netflix analyze our tastes and preferences while browsing and watching the videos and show us the videos accordingly. When we open the YouTube app, it automatically displays the videos of our interest using artificial intelligence.

Finding locations

When we use Google maps or Apple maps for navigation or finding an Uber cab, these apps make use of AI technology to show us the results. AI helps Google, Apple, and GPS services to show us our location and the routes to any destination. Moreover, they show us the available cabs, buses and other modes of transportation. In this way, AI helps users find locations and available transportation services to reach our destination.

Finance industry

The banking and finance organizations depend on artificial intelligence to offer customer services, protection from frauds, chatbots, and other investment services to customers. When we use netbanking and other financial apps on our devices, the AI studies our activities and preferences to show us the relevant options every time. The chatbots use AI to answer the queries of customers of banks and financial investment organizations.

Selection of a dating partner

AI could quickly evaluate and access the array of data from our apps and show us the most relevant dating partners matching with our interests and preferences. AI uses algorithms that consider our social media activities, interests, dislikes, communication styles, medical records, and relationship history. These systems help us find the right physical, intellectual, and emotional match for dating and marriage. Some AI algorithms can also estimate how long a marriage might last and advise on whether we should consider a match for a short or long term relationship.

Mental health management

The artificial intelligence also helps in managing the mental health of people. From daily stress of work to entire breakdowns, people struggle to cope with the stress and pressure in everyday life. The AI tools on our smartphones and computers are capable of monitoring our health conditions. They can note our keyboard strokes and speech pattern to an array of other medical symptoms through body-worn devices and other sensors.

The AI systems could detect possible mental health issues early and provide guidance for stressful conditions. Some advanced AI systems can shut down our computers and smartphones and not reactivate them until the stress reduces to a safe level.

Driverless cars

It is now possible to use driverless vehicles without the need to interact with a human. Artificial intelligence has made it possible to use a vehicle without a driver. The car makes use of AI technology to find the routes to help you reach your destination at the right time. In addition to homes and office AI will help us travel on the road in the comfort of our cars. The driverless cars also communicate with the users to take instruction and help us reach any destination using Google or Apple maps.

Decision making

AI technology can also help us in making the right decisions. It helps us in both the decisions at an individual level as well as at the organizational level. AI can help detect the truth in most situations and also verify the data for accuracy. AI would also make crimes more difficult and help in reducing crimes to much extent. The police and law enforcement agencies are making use of AI technologies to stop crimes and catch criminals.

Internet of Things (IoT)

The AI technology in personal assistants like Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, and Apple Siri helps use control of our home appliances enabled with IoT. The home appliances are now enabled with IoT technology due to which the AI assistants are able to control them. While you are busy doing your office work, your personal assistant can make the washing machine wash your clothes, and microwave cooks your meal. It can turn on the lights automatically in the dark and play the music at your command. However, you need to keep all your appliances turned on all the time. For example, an AI-enabled assistant can play the music only when your music system is turned on and connected to speaker cable and music source.

Final Words

Artificial Intelligence has made our lives easier than ever. It continues to make our gadgets, appliances, and cars more and more functional by studying our habits and activities. In the future years, people would need to focus only on core activities. AI devices will manage most of our daily tasks with high accuracy without our interference.

How Artificial Intelligence Fuels Magento E-Commerce Stores Success?

By James Tredwell on September 18, 2019

If you run an E-commerce store, you must be looking for possible methods to improve the store performance, conversions and sales with minimum efforts and investment. In this blog, it is covered how Artificial intelligence can meet all these objectives in the best possible manner. Artificial Intelligence has helped several brands to reach the desired results. It provides plenty of opportunities to the brands where retailers compete with each other to provide some unique stuff to gain maximum conversions, grow customer base and ultimate shopping experience. With regular advancement in voice search technology, AI-based devices such as Alexa, Cortana, and Watson, are gathering huge eye-balls almost daily, hinting a big role to play in the E-commerce industry.

Let’s find out how AI is helping Magento based E-commerce platforms.

1. Customer Oriented Search

With the implementation of Artificial intelligence in Magento E-commerce stores, the brand can target the right users with the right messages for right output. AI applications are based on the self-learning algorithms to drive information from a large set of data of thousands of customers and targeted them in the best possible manner. This is a great way to rule out any human-based error.

2. Purchase Assistants

Purchase Assistants are a big improvement in boosting sales and it is not fully implemented yet. Using the virtual purchase assistant a lot of time spent by the shoppers in making a buying decision is reduced automatically. It automatically analyses and monitors the E-commerce store upcoming deals, price drop, and the launch of a new product. A major change that is worth praising is, these assistants can by default add the products to the cart and carry out the checkout process on buyer behalf if interest is shown in the product and instructions are given to AI-based assistant.

3. Boost Security

E-commerce business is based on accepting payments and doing financial transactions online. However, a challenge for store owners and buyers is the online fraud, data breach and theft. These challenges can be fixed by combining the advance security standards of Magento with Artificial intelligence. The technology has multiple uses like implementing fast iterating models to lower manual review queues, lower false positives with behavior analysis, using experiential information to adapt to new business lines and boost human decision-making with higher accuracy.

4. Fast Customer Support

A chatbot is an AI-based computer application that is designed to help buyers with their queries over the Internet. Chatbot application converts visitors to potential customers. These applications have helped E-commerce brands to lower the cost by replacing customer support executive. They can support hundreds of users at the same time which is not possible with a human being. Also, chatbots need information like product details, quantities, and shipping information to provide accurate answers to customers. Chatbots offer a valuable and instant customer support service which was earlier provided through contact forms, phone calls, and email.

5. Personalized Shopping Experience

With the popularity of E-commerce platforms like Magento, most of the traditional businesses are moving to “click-and-mortar” model. But, there is still a lot of improvements need to be made for the E-commerce stores to offer personalized shopping experience the way it is available in the stores. To personalize the customer shopping experience, AI is the perfect way to achieve. AI-based campaigns can be run to target the potential audience at the right time. AI can help in the personalized shopping experience using push notifications to the smartphones of shoppers. Magento’s latest version offers amazing advanced features like Personalized recommendations, gift options, loyalty programs, customized tier pricing and cross-selling options to the store owners.

6. Post Sale Support

Most buyers complain about after-sale support but with AI online stores can take care of the customers even after the sale. This innovative technology engages customers through different means:

  • Sharing automated post-sale follow-up notifications as well as the e-mails.

  • Addressing customers’ complaints, product returns, refunds and queries.

  • By processing warranty claims.

  • Sending notifications regarding customized offers, new sale and upcoming discounts.

Although Artificial intelligence is not as appealing as human interaction. However, with technological changes, AI is helping shoppers at every pre and post buying stage.

7. Inventory Management

For the optimized performance of the E-commerce store, inventory management is essential. It includes the stock requirement and resource allocation for the inventory which is not needed.

  • AI intelligently manages the stock, make records of the products present in-stock.

  • It suggests how much stock is required for tomorrow and precisely when.

  • All the factors affecting the sales are evaluated.

8. Sales Forecasting

AI also helps store owners to project future sales. This help in increasing and decreasing the stock amount. Following resources are kept in mind to make predictive sales analysis:

  • Last year sales history

  • Market share of competitor’s

  • Real-time changes

  • Customer buying trends

  • Alterations in demographics, age, and gender

Wrapping Up:

It’s not difficult to implement AI in E-commerce store. AI technology is simple to use and implement with minimal investment. After going through all the benefits of AI, every store owner will implement it for best business results. Including AI as your business strategy will help to make your store a proactively selling store. Currently, when everything is accessible at a low price, personalization and uniqueness is the most important element to run a successful E-commerce store in a highly-competitive world. The way AI is growing its relevance in the business world its integration is a must.

Author Bio –  Elina Reddy, Sr Magento Developer in Magento StoreMagento development company.

How AI is Changing The World of Mobile Apps

By James Tredwell on September 12, 2019

Mobile apps were once the fancy term for a next-generation tool tailored to enhance everyday tasks. Fast forward to the current times, they have become a necessity.

Not a single device would you find that does not have apps. And though the idea behind the apps might appear the same, technology has altered the fact of its development.

What started with static pages is now data-driven, dynamic and interaction specific. 

Yes, we are talking about the new trend of mobile apps, Artificial Intelligence! (AI Technology). According to research, the global AI spending is expected to rise to $79.2 billion by the end of 2022.

Meaning that, if your app is not vesting in Artificial Intelligence, then surely you are missing out on something large.

And this is not the end! Witnessing the pace at which Artificial Intelligence is growing and the speed of its integration, sooner would we see the end of non-AI apps. 

Again, it might appear to be some buzzword for you but the ones that know about it are aware of the true potential of the technology. And so, have been investing lump sump in the integration of the technology.

Whether your business delves in the healthcare sector, the finance industry or manufacturing units, AI has something for all. When integrated with mobile apps the potential of the technology rises in leaps and bounds. 

To make this discussion more specific and inclined towards the need rather the effect of AI in the mobile app development industry, we highlight instances for the same. 

AI Technology Driving Mobile App Development 

  • AI Fosters Automation In Mobile Apps

Automation is in its full swing and this has instilled the idea of replacing humans in the minds of all. But this is not what AI aims to achieve.

What we mean to say is that AI helps automate things that can reduce the burden on humans. It nowhere states that such would turn humans jobless.

AI boosting automation means that it would help humans do tasks better and further indulge in enhanced decision making.

Commuting apps are seen using the mechanism of artificial intelligence to asses traffic and find the optimal route. However, we never see AI driving the cab instead of help drivers drive better. 

  • Better Engagement & Improved User Experience

Analyzing the behavior and responding patterns of humans, Artificial intelligence has the potential to better the user’s experience.

An AI-enabled mobile app can gather tremendous user information and such information can be used to draft data patterns which further helps you take better and informed decisions. Further, AI can track location and enable data transferring thereby enhancing the user behavioral patterns.

Another aspect where AI shines is customer engagement. It is predicted that by 2025, 95% of the organizations worldwide would use AI-driven bots to engage with users.

Given the fact that user experience via chatbots engagement is better than human aided customer engagement, AI no doubt improvises user interaction. And this further fuels business growth. 

  • AI Technology Increases Personalization

The present-day users seek results, one that is personalized and based upon their own needs and preferences. Well, this might have not been possible had it not been for AI Technology.

Abiding by the need to deliver user-specific results, apps built using the technology of artificial intelligence keep track of past behavior of users and preferred choices.

This in a way leads to customized user experience. Some of the real-time examples of AI embedding personalization includes Starbucks, Amazon Go, and Barista.

These apps track users behavior and predict the most likely choice of a customer. In a way, AI-driven machines are capable of self-learning and this fosters personalization. 

  • AI Pages Way For Creative Development

AI definitely improves customer experience, benefitting them on a whole. But that is just one face of technology. Alongside the customers, Artificial Intelligence helps developers code less but better.

Such suggests that developers can cut down the cost and time of development and at the same time improve the quality of app developed.

Developers can automate mundane tasks while embedding creative ways to build the same app. No wonder why AI has been adopted by the majority of app development companies worldwide. 

  • AI keeps You Updated

The present-day competition revolves around data and this is exactly what AI strives to trigger. Given the huge influx of data every day, companies that have integrated artificial intelligence stays updated with the ongoing business trends while upgrading theirs to the same.

AI-driven apps help organizations foster their overall growth through the expansion of products and services. eBay’s app is totally based on AI and the home page displayed is customized based on users experience. 

Having said all of the above, I would say this is just the tip of the iceberg and there is more to this technology. The opportunities and benefits as laid by AI-driven apps remain indisputed and hence, it’s time that you too give the technology a curious thought. 

How AI Is Revolutionizing The Healthcare Industry

By James Tredwell on September 11, 2019

The effect of AI is evidently visible across industries around the world. But its influence over healthcare is really life-changing. Now, AI is all-prepared to introduce paradigm shifts in the healthcare industry with its ability to mimic human cognitive functions.

AI is a transformative technology and, it has got everything to revolutionize the healthcare sector in different ways. It can help patients receive better care at reduced costs. The technology can support patients from drug development to clinic research and turn treatments more effective and affordable.

Seeing AI’s benefits to the healthcare industry, many public and private healthcare providers in the healthcare industry has opened their investments in implementing the technology.  According to an Accenture’s report, AI based solutions can create an annual cost saving of $150 Bn. by 2026 for US healthcare.

Big Data & AI in Healthcare

Latest advancements in the AI technologies have begun the discussion if AI-doctors will replace human-doctors in the future. Though, it doesn’t seem to happen anytime soon. But for now, AI can help physicians make better decisions while treating and operating patients. AI can replace human decision and judgment making in certain areas like radiology.

Big data is also helping developers successfully apply AI to healthcare. Today, we are seeing a noticeable development in Big Data analytics, and its various methods. In fact, Big Data can make available a lot of clinically relevant information. AI, together with Big Data, will let doctors make better clinical decisions.

AI is based on highly sophisticated algorithms and, its learning is driven by a massive amount of data. These algorithms allow obtaining insights for assisting clinical practices. Also, with self- learning and correcting abilities, the system gets better accuracy based on the feedback it receives. By this approach, the whole system gets better with time. The system can also help in minimizing therapeutic errors. By having access to a large amount of data, the AI system can make predictions about the potential health risks.

But do we really need it?

AI has become big and powerful. There is no reason to question its effectiveness. Soon we will see a huge impact on the healthcare industry by AI. Here are certain facts listed below:

  • Hospital errors are one major cause of patient death. Though, no one deliberately makes such mistakes, but when these mistakes occur, someone’s life is lost. AI can help in avoiding these mistakes, which are completely preventable but caused because of negligence or wrong decision making.
  • With AI based health caresolutions, doctors are able to make early diagnosis of diseases and begin their treatments to avoid any fatal damage. This contributes a lot to saving human lives.
  • AI is delivering high value in areas like pharma, radiology, pathology, etc.
  • AI can also be implemented to fight with chronic disease like cancer, diabetes, etc.

Below mentioned are the ways AI is changing the healthcare industry

AI powered virtual assistant for personal healthcare

Now, a personal health virtual assistant can be as simple as an app installed in your mobile. Also, with the power of AI’s advanced algorithms, such assistant can deliver massive health values to users. Cortana, Google Assistant, and Siri are the names to some of the voice-command enabled virtual assistants, which can also be deployed to deliver health benefits to people.

AI for quality sleep

AI can also be adopted to improve the quality of sleep. There are a variety of AI-based solutions, like mattresses, baby monitors, sleep apps, etc, which help people have improved quality sleeps.

Medical Imaging Analysis

Another field where AI can simplify healthcare is radiology. AI powered systems can make diagnostic simpler. The system can examine imageries from X-rays, MIRs, CT scans and generate feedback, which can be analyzed by doctors.

Precision Medicine

AI can also help in the formulation of precision medicine.

Healthcare Bots

Soon, we will have healthcare bots that will function quite similar to chatbots. Patients can simply chat with them for health issues and then get answered with suitable solutions.

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