
How User Behavior Impacts E-Commerce Mobile Apps

By James Tredwell on April 20, 2019

User experience plays a key role in e-commerce mobile application development. The modern mobile development company is required to keep tabs on user preferences and priorities in order to ensure the success of the mobile apps.

The main objective of mobile applications is to resolve any of the problems faced by users. This makes it necessary that mobile app developers diligently consider and understand what the potential users are looking for in the app.

User Experience and Behavior Play a Crucial Role in Enabling E-Commerce apps to Succeed

Why is Analyzing User Behavior Considered Important in Mobile App Development Process?

User Experience and Behavior Play a Crucial Role in Enabling E-Commerce apps to Succeed

The primary focus of any mobile app is providing convenience to users and rendering their processes easy. The ‘one-size-fits-all’ concept will not suffice in fulfilling the specific needs of consumers having different requirements and tastes.

Mobile apps will achieve the intended results only when developers provide user-friendly and easy-to-use features and functions. To be able to roll-out successful apps and sustain, entrepreneurs have to first understand the market. This necessitates minutely studying users’ varied needs and behavior to come up with custom mobile application development that satiates the needs of users.

What are the Effective Ways of Analyzing User Behavior?

Analyzing the following data helps understanding user behavior for designing and developing mobile apps for e-commerce:

Usage pattern: It is essential to understand how users tend to handle their mobile phones and what would be the convenient way for them. The following are a few of the statistics related to common mobile phone usage pattern:

  • Most of the people use their left hand for cradling the phone or using apps. Mobile application development, especially the design, must consider such facts in order to satisfy consumers.
  • While many of us tend to use portrait mode for apps, it is common that people hold the phone in landscape mode when it comes to viewing images and videos. Smartphone application development must offer facility for changing views in line with user preferences.
  • The mode of authentication that is being used for accessing the screen or the buttons is to be considered. While some may use their thumb, others may opt for using other fingers. Holding the phone in a hand is easy for a few, while cradling it proves convenient to others. Such data helps in adopting the right design strategy.
  • Placement of buttons for better interaction is another factor to be prudently considered while designing an app. Keeping buttons at places within the phone’s screen that is less accessible or inaccessible will hinder the success of the app.

Android Vs iOS — the Specific Development Preferences

It is imperative that mobile development services learn users’ interests and choices while they consider building an app for mobile devices. Android and iOS are meant for catering to the needs of different group of users. While Android is normally meant for the lower or middle income group of people, iOS is targeted for those who are prepared to spend money.

Since a major portion of the global population consists of middle and lower income group, Android app development naturally has an edge and attracts the masses. The selection of platform for building your app must be made after carefully considering the customer base. While Android would prove to be better for acquiring customer base, iOS app development will be lucrative if revenue generation is the agenda.

What are the Distinct User Behavior Differences that Influence the Choice of Mobile App Development Platform?

User Demographics

Android is seen to have a two-thirds market share globally. The major reason for this extensive reach is its popularity among lower-income population and the developing countries. In reply to this, iOS has gained popularity in USA, UK, and Japan. Statistics show that iOS customers tend to have higher app engagement generally. They are also more likely to spend more per application.

Factors such as location, income, and decisions about purchase have an impact on users’ actions related to in-app purchases and subscription enrollment. Such demographic variances influence users’ preferences about which type of apps they download as well.

Spending Behavior of Consumers

It is difficult to study users’ spending behavior with regard to buying apps or paying for in-app purchases. While app revenue is seen to grow over years, the gap between spending of iOS users and Android users happens to be huge. Analytics prove that revenue generated by Google Play Store is far less than that of Apple’s App Store.

Details such as on which product users spend more are very useful for e-commerce organizations that look for building their E-Commerce mobile apps.

The Role Played by Device Compatibility

There are certain device-specific differences between Android app development and iOS app development that impact user experience. This influences consumers’ decision about choosing their pick among the two. This is a major consideration of a mobile application development agency in choosing the platform.

iOS mobile development companies are required to follow stringent rules while Android developers are having a comparatively free hand. Android users are offered customization and freedom their devices provide. They can modify their mobile phones the way they want. But in the case of iOS, app development and verification process takes longer, but the app experience is consistent, intuitive, and more secure.

App Retention and User Engagement

There’s a lot of difference between individual users, especially in the way of engaging with content and viewing. The time spent by users on their apps varies between Android and iOS users. iOS users are seen to spend more time on their apps than their Android counterparts. Android users tend to take more time for opening notifications than iOS users.

More number of media users are included in the customer base of Android. They prefer utility, performance, better productivity, and anti-virus features in their apps. Performance of objectives such as purchase, reservation, and in-app purchase varies between iOS and Android. iOS is seen to outshine Android in user engagement front in the above-said categories. But in registration, Android leads the race. Such factors have an effect on selecting the platform for your E-Commerce app.


Each platform has its own unique characteristics and is capable of providing specific advantages. Effective decision making about which one to pick depends on the user preference and behavior and how they connect with your business. Mobile phone app development process is greatly influenced by user behavior, necessitating in-depth analysis of the same before starting the development process.

This article is contributed by Arul Karuppannan, Digital Marketing Strategist at W2S Solutions — Mobile App Development Company

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