
What is the Future of Augmented Reality ?

By James Tredwell on April 22, 2019

Augmented reality can be implemented in almost any industry to overlay a different reality onto pre-existing reality using various types of devices such as smartphones and smart-glasses. AR technology superimposes computer-generated images of a different setting to alter the user’s perspective of reality. This amazing technology works with other advanced technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT). Pokemon Go opened the doors of AR to mobile gaming.

Are you confused between Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality?

If you are not an AR/VR expert, you may think AR and VR as similar technologies. Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology that submerges the person into a completely different scenario. On the other hand, Augmented Reality (AR) helps the users see an altered version of the reality on one’s mobile screen or smart glasses. User needs to wear a headset for VR to cover the actual environment around.

With AR, images are superimposed on the device, whereas VR is a whole new setting. AR can be used for driving, indoor navigation, and gaming. VR is mostly used for simulating scenarios like experiencing events, training, and more.

Where is AR going to be in the next 2–5 years?

Experts assume that the AR/VR industry will be worth more than $25 Billion by 2025. This figure shows that investment in Augmented Reality will be a wise decision.

AR has applications for almost every industry, from education to real estate, from healthcare to retail, and from manufacturing to travel and logistics. Doctors and medical professionals can use AR technology during surgeries to ensure accuracy.

It can provide you a glimpse of how your potential house or office would look, or will show the placement of furniture in your home. You can try an overpriced trouser or top from the comfort of your home and determine how it looks on you.

AR technology is in its teen years, but it continues to grow at a lightning speed. Several billion-dollar companies are investing in AR to deliver a great user experience.

Augmented Reality’s Insights into the Coming Future

#1. Combination of AR and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence is required for Augmented Reality operations. It allows objects to be labeled and identified according to the viewer’s perspective. We use many social media applications today that use a mix of AR and AI. For instance: You may have seen filters like bunny ears or pig filter on Snapchat or Instagram. These filters are based on consumer-facing apps and engage the users.

Such apps cannot function if both AI and AR are combined together. We can expect more social media apps in the coming years.

#2. Scope of AR for Education industry

AR educational apps will surely transform the traditional learning procedures. Augmented Reality makes learning fun and engaging. Using this technology, information or data can be shared to a learner in real-time. Visualization and interactive lessons can help students learn the subjects in a better way. Safe work training can be provided to aspiring professionals. Medical students can practice heart surgery while astronauts can learn to operate a space shuttle without any risks. Students who wish to enroll in schools and universities can take AR tours to get an understanding of the campus.

#3. AR’s and Content Delivery across Social Media

We know that various social media platforms use AR-based advertising. Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat already use AR technology to lure the users. AR is used for delivering interactive content across social networking websites. 2D content can be converted to 3D for better visibility and engagement. New markets for AR will shape up the social media in 2019 and the coming years. Brands and marketers will learn the new trends in AR and use this technology for real-world experiences on social media platforms. Let’s wait to see how this futuristic technology impacts the users via top social media networks.

#4. AR revolutionizing Automobile Industry

Autonomous cars have been a buzz word since the last few years. Automobile manufacturers all over the world are embracing AR and AI technologies to enhance safety and increase the production of cars and vehicles. Robots are making the lives easier by tackling manufacturing of automobiles. This not only streamlines the production process, but also increases the turn-around times and reduces cost at the same time. On the other hand, consumers can take a test drive of the car they are interested to purchase without leaving the comfort of their home. Users love to look at the car’s engine, see it from a driver’s perspective, and hear it in motion using their smartphones. AR-based test drives are the future of the automobile industry. Mercedes-Benz, Tesla, Volvo, and Toyota have already started working in this direction to deliver awesome experiences to the users.

#5. AR transforming the Retail Industry

Apparel manufacturers and retailers are creating AR experiences to entice the users. When a user walks into a store, he can scan the picture of signage and get discount coupons. Another amazing way of implementing AR in retail industry is store mirrors. AR-enabled mirrors can help users try different outfits within no time and check the colors and design availability. Virtual fitting rooms are the hottest trends these days. Customers can try the outfits virtually without even wearing them. Even décor stores use AR by offering a detailed view of furniture using Augmented reality.

#6. How AR affects Real Estate?

Most of the realtors face the challenge of selling the properties. Compelling visual presentations of the properties create an immersive experience for the clients for a specific property. Gone are the days when users had to travel to have a glimpse of the property they’re interested in. Now, with the help of AR technology, users can visualize all the rooms and get a clear idea about the property. Virtual property tours can help real estate brokers and builders save a lot of time, efforts, and resources. Moreover, the clients can take more informed decisions of buying the properties.

The Takeaway

Technology experts consider AR to be the future as it is helping entrepreneurs and consumers ease their lives. Fun, interaction, and engagement are the three major reasons why augmented reality is becoming a popular technology luring millions of people worldwide. This future-ready, innovative technology brings in a lot of advancements in almost all the fields in the world. Xamarin can be used for building feature-rich AR apps. iOS relies on ARKit and Android relies on ARCore. Augment reality in your iOS and Android apps and engage the users. Be ready to experience many new surprises brought in by AR technology this year.

This article is contributed by Bilal Momin, co-founder and CEO of i-Verve Inc — Xamarin App Development Company

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