
Top 5 Chatbot Development Platforms to create a Smart Chatbot

By James Tredwell on October 18, 2019

The advent of Chatbots progressively helps humans to overcome various challenges. The popularity of Chatbots is due to a wide range of customer assistance services. Different size of businesses is adding this tech edge to streamline the complex process of human conversation. The use of artificial intelligence is helping the user to experience the future. The ability of Chatbots to converse in natural language helps the businesses to stay ahead. Chatbots have evolved a new world of automation, helping the human for better business.

Businesses all around the world are utilizing the Chatbots for better setups with the clients and users. It opened big opportunities for businesses to shoe their availability 24/7. Chatbots development can be done with the help of different platforms. There are ample of different platforms in the market. And is very important for the Chatbot development, developer to choose the right one. Here is the list of the chatbot development platforms to understand which suites you best.


Chatfuel is a completely free Chatbot development platform best for those who don’t have the coding experience or skills. Chatfuel is a bot builder for Facebook Messenger helpful to create their own chatbot. Chatfuel is featured with attributes like adding content cards. Chatfuel offers the free version of the platform that gives you access to almost every feature for up to 5,000 subscribers. Apart from that, you will also be able to gather insights within the chats. The paid versions start from $15/month with some extra data management features.


Botsify is a machine learning chatbot development platform launched in 2016. Get started with Botsify for free or sign up to a paid plan from $10/month. It is a simple bot builder that helps you create bots for your website or Facebook Messenger easily. Botsify offers features of easy drag and drop interface. Apart from that it also has integrations with WordPress, Shopify, Alexa, and Zapier. The best thing about Botsify that allows human staff to take over the conversation.

IBM Watson Conversation:

IBM Watson Conversation is considered as one of the most reliable chatbot builders among all. It offers the feature of graphical UI that allows users to create a simple chatbot as per your custom specifications. It provides developers with a range of SDK’s to extend the chatbot features as required. IBM Watson Conversation offers the developers the preference of the natural language which can help them connect with the audience with more tractability. This chatbot platform offers a platform enabling developers as well as non-technical users to team up on building conversational AI solutions.

Flow XO

Flow XO is a UK-based company offering a complete solution for building Chatbots. It allows the developer to build chatbot widgets for the website or integrate them with third-party platforms. The developers can also share bot with others. Hosting them and deploying them across platforms, which means you’re not only limited to Facebook Messenger. Apart from that, it provides a visual platform that allows to easily build your own chatbot for the website, Facebook, SMS, Telegram, and Slack. The flow XO interface is incredibly easy to use.

Microsoft BOT Framework

Microsoft BOT Framework offer components that play a huge role in the development of the chatbot development: Node.js and .NET. This chatbot platform is composed of two big elements in the form of bot builder SDK and Microsoft language intelligent service. It helps developers create intelligent bots that can engage users across multiple platforms. Apart from that, there are more than 30 languages that can be infused in the chatbot with the help of a Microsoft BOT framework. It offers a cloud-based service that can be accessed across 141 countries.

Bottom line

These days the businesses have their website with the infusion of chatbots as it allows them to present their products and services in an even better way. Chatbots is a way ahead step for the businesses to connect their users with an even bigger set of attributes. The trend of chatbot changed the overall outlook of the business in various verticals. If you are looking for a reliable chatbot developer service provider Quytech is here to get your website built with an infusion of a chatbot. We are here for you to connect with potential clients and users, which can help you with higher returns.

Author Bio:

Colleen Jansen is a Business marketing expert at Quytech, a well-known Custom Mobile app Development Company providing Android, iOS and AI development services across the globe.

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